Ceremony Music


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Thank you for your interest in my music. It is an honor to be able to share it with you. I know how easy it is to download music like this and share with friends. Please respect the amount of effort put into these works, and that all of these are protected under copyright.

Please let me know what you think!
Thank you.

Mystery Journey

This is the music I developed for use during acupuncture treatments.  It is deeply relaxing and can be used for stress reduction, insomnia, creative visualization, inner journeying, while undergoing dental procedures, etc.  There is a great deal of science and art involved in the creation of this music, and it’s effects can be quite profound.   A great gift for a stressed out relative or friend.

If you wish to listen to the sample below, please listen with stereo headphones. It will not sound good on open air speakers.Do not listen to this while driving, operating heavy machinery, or in any other activity for which external attention is required.

  • Track 1   Mystery Journey  (22:02)
  • Track 2   Heart Waves   (21:02)
  • Track 3   Dreamtime   (22:00)

Sample – please use headphones:

Mystery Journey $15.93 for all three tracks.

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Sound Healing Ceremony From Orange County - March 2012

Over 5 hours of Music! –
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Sound Healing Ceremony from Tucson, Arizona - October 21 and 22

Over 5 hours of music!  37 tracks.
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Sound Healing Ceremony from Los Angeles - Sept 24, 2011

1h:45 minutes of music
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Sound Healing Ceremony from Los Angeles - Sept 25, 2011

1h:30 minutes of music
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Ceremony Music, Volume 2

A large file with 13 new pieces of music as well as 2 free bonus tracks. Added July 11, 2011. Not available separately.
$15.93 (over an hour and a half)
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The following files were added on April 14, 2011.
They may be purchased individually. Sound sample available – just click play.
More songs will be added as they happen, so do check back from time to time.

For Elias

A beautiful and upbeat tune played on a traditional flute given to me by Elias Mamallacta many years ago on my first trip to the Amazon

$1.98  (5:17)
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Tonal Mariposa

Close your eyes. Listen. You might hear a butterfly dance.

$1.98  (9:16)
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Traveling In

A flute from the incomparable John Stillwell. Traveling In, deeper and deeper. Touch the sound.

$1.98  (5:47)
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The following files were added on March 23, 2011.
They may be purchased individually or as an album (see the last link in this group). Sound sample available – just click play.
More songs will be added as they happen, so do check back from time to time.

Calling the Ancient Ones

Mysterious and haunting music played on a clay antara that is a replica of those found from the Nazca Civilization in Southern Peru.
This instruments invokes ancient memories from the dawning moments of civilization.

$1.98  (10:04)
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Jungle Flute

Cosmic sounds from a 4 foot long tribal flute from the jungles of Ecuador.

$1.98  (11:42)
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Shanti Puja (Worshiping Peace)

There are times in life when you just gotta go for it.  Some will love this, some will be driven nuts by it.  I like it a lot.
From 2011 New Year’s Eve.  Totally unplugged and highly effected.

$1.98  (7:44)
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Eastern Sunrise

Evocative music played in the Japanese Ake Bono scale on the remarkable Wing Tone

$1.98   (5:57)
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A harmonica. The Medicine. Effects. Fun.
Nothing quite like it.

$1.98   (13:24)
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Singing Dove

This is one of my favorite instruments.  So simple.  A clay ocarina (flute) with only 4 notes.
It speaks the language of magic.

$1.98  (8:22)
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Curandera Mariri.  The healing power and love that happens in ceremony.
Feel it.  Believe it.  It is real.
An original song accompanied by an Oscar Schmidt autoharp.

$1.98    (7:52)
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Poderosa Mariri - San Gama

This is from the 2011 New Year’s Eve unplugged ceremony.
Utterly psychedelic and highly effected.
In loving memory of Maestra Norma Panduro.

$1.98  (11:50)
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Como te Amo

A wooden flute. An open heart. Breath. Nothing else.
How simple and how beautiful.

$1.98   (7:20)
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Ceremony Music, Album 1

Get all of the above songs from the March upload and save a couple dollars.
9 Songs – about an hour and a half of music.
Plus a bonus song not listed above.

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